Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Shop Launch

I've been typing and listing all day so am tired, tired, tired...but excited!! I launched my new shop today, Sew Love Christmas. Lots of great Christmas fabric and patterns. Just felt the need to put them in a shop of their own since I can only have 10 sections on Etsy and mine were all filled up :)
Hope you like it!! I'm thinking it will stay open through the first of the year, ending with a sale in January and then will close until fall 2010.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Shop Talk

I've had some really pretty fabrics come in over the past week. The Girly Girl collection from Art Gallery is so pretty! The colors are just so beautiful!!

And then the fabric I've been waiting for since Spring Market, Teatime Floral 2 from Lakehouse Dry Goods. Her booth was my very favorite at Market. She had paper fans, the same print as the seed packs going the whole way around her booth.
If you like modern and trendy, then you better not look :) I'm not kidding, just leave now...and don't say I didn't warn you ;) This is nostalgic, vintage inspired polished cotton at its best. My favorite is the seed packs print, I'm using that for something, not sure what but something.

I'm still waiting for the print with the little tea cakes to come in, they had a problem with the printing on that one.
I would have to say though the biggest excitement for me this week was the unveiling of Meadowsweet by Sandi Henderson. I had already ordered it sight unseen but had to call and double up once I saw it. I'll be sitting on the curb waiting for the man in brown for that one!!

Love the browns and oranges, wish I could have them now for fall!
~~~Side Note~~~
I've cleaned out the closet in my studio again :) The closet is where the remnants go and the whoops, I cut the wrong amount pieces. Also the random fat quarters since you always cut 2.
So I have many, too many to list all at once, one of a kind sets that I've decided to list on Mondays. I figure I'll list about 5 of them every Monday morning and once they're gone, they're gone. The last time I did this, I had customers asking when I was going to list them and I had to tell them to look under my sold column :( So don't be disappointed, check in Monday mornings and snatch them up!
~~~Side Note #2~~~
I am opening up a new shop and will be letting you in on that soon!!
It's going to be fun!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Let's Play Catch Up

I know, I know, it's been a while. We had quite a summer with some scary medical issues with one of our children. Too many trips to the doctor, too many hospitals and tests, surgery and opinions, then second and third opinions... and the waiting and waiting for results. I am very, very thankful that right now, right this minute, all is well. Prayers have been answered. Thank you God for being so good. Thank you for teaching us to slow it down and hold tight to the precious children you have entrusted us with. Thank you for giving us hope.